News Archive

News Archive

Feb-2016 Dr. Younes’ work has been selected for a Presidential Poster Award from the Pediatric Endocrine Society / Society for Pediatric Research at the annual meeting this spring in Baltimore.

Oct-2015 Dr. Kua receives the Kenny Award for best research presentation by a fellow at the Midwest Society for Pediatric Research meeting.

Oct-2015 We assisted with aspects of the experimental design of studies published this year in Diabetes and Cell Metabolism.

May-2015 Dr. Gordon’s paper from our lab showing that hyperglycemia directly causes fetal cardiac overgrowth is published.

Apr-2015 Dr. Kua receives a Fellow Research Award at the national Society for Pediatric Research meeting in San Diego.

Feb-2015 The PET center helped us determine that the placenta has immense avidity for glucose, supporting unparalleled rates of glucose flux, as published here and reviewed in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 56(3):21N.

Jan-2015 We assisted Dr. Aliye Uc’s lab determine whether loss of porcine CFTR leads to diabetes, as published here.

Jan-2015 Dr. Jamal Kriem, a pediatric gastroenterology fellow, joins the laboratory.

Jul-2014 Dr. Michelle Baack, a neonatology fellow in the lab, has published her work showing that isolated hyperglycemia, localized only to the uterine artery, is sufficient to induce embryopathy.

Mar-2014 We assisted Dr. Jeff Segar describe the influence of fetal angiotensin II on fetal cardiac remodeling, as published here.

Mar-2014 We collaborated with with Drs. Sui and Engelhardt to quantify metabolic insulin action and secretion as published here.

Jul-2013 Dr. Lim Kua, a neonatology fellow, joins the lab.

May-2013 Congratulations to Alex Sawatzke, who is graduating from medical school with research distinction based on his work in the lab. Dr. Sawatzke’s work detailed the kinetics of glucose transfer from maternal circulation to placenta to fetus, using advances to our previoiusly published PET scan-based approach.

Oct-2012 Dr. Areej Younes, a pediatric endocrinology & diabetes fellow, joins the laboratory.

Sep-2012 Our collaborative work on cystic fibrosis related diabetes, with the Engelhardt lab and other investigators at the University of Iowa, is now available online at the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Jun-2012 Our work determining the impact of PPARγ on skeletal muscle lipid metabolism and insulin signaling is featured on the cover of the June issue of the journal Molecular Endocrinology.


Feb-2013 Our collaborative work detailing the impact of dietary fatty acid composition on insulin signaling is now available. Fish oil was able to restore insulin sensitivity and vascular dysfunction, even after obesity had been induced by a lard-based diet.


June-2012 We presented a talk at the American Diabetes Association scientific sessions in Philadelphia describing our work on birth defects arising from high blood sugars during pregnancy.

Feb-2012 Dr. Michelle Baack’s work on the Ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of donor breastmilk, done in collaboration with our lab, is published.


Oct-2011 Dr. Erin Gordon, a pediatric intensive care fellow, joins the laboratory to study the effects of hyperglycemia on fetal heart development.

Jul-2011 Our lab is a recipient of a pilot project grant from the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center.

24-June-2011 We presented our work at the American Diabetes Association scientific sessions in San Diego on how overexpression of PPARγ in muscle protects against glucose intolerance.

Summer 2011 We welcome undergraduates Chelia Briner & Elizabeth Geisendorfer-Lindgren to the lab!

30-April-2011 & 2-May-2011 Fellows Michelle Baack and Diana Dang present their work as Platform Session Talks at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting in Denver.


17-Nov-2010 Our second publication using our new model, in this case to quantify the effects of insulin or glucocorticoid on fetal assimilation of maternal glucose.

6-Aug-2010 See our publication detailing the model we have developed to deconvolute fetal effects of diabetes during pregnancy.

25-29-Jun-2010 We presented three abstracts (1, 2, 3) at the American Diabetes Association annual scientific meeting in Orlando.


Fall-2009 Fellows Michelle Baack MD and Diana Dang MD join the lab.

1-Jul-2009 The American Diabetes Association’s Amaranth Diabetes Fund will be supporting our Research Award “Macronutrient contributions to fetal diabetic programming” for the coming year.

25-May-2009 Four award winning students grace the lab this summer:

Student Level Research Fellowship Support Award
Alex Sawatzke Medical Student “Pre-M1”
Brandon Menke Medical Student “Pre-M1”
Jonathan Karch Undergraduate ICRU
Mattie Oelschlaeger Medical Student “M1”

29-Apr-2009 Undergraduate Brandon Menke presented his research at the Gene F. Lata Biochemistry Undergraduate Honors Symposium.

9-Feb-2009 As detailed in this publication, our lab helped show that even mild maternal diabetes during late gestation leads to insulin resistance in offspring.


1-Nov-2008 See our latest publication detailing the impact of PPARγ on uptake of fatty acids in skeletal muscle.

30-Sep-2008 Dr. Arthur Spector visits our lab.

05-Sep-2008 Our lab has relocated to an adjacent building. We are excited to be housed within the nascent Program in Developmental Origins of Disease at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.

21-Aug-2008 Our lab was fortunate to have participated in groundbreaking research on the origins of brown fat, published yesterday in Nature.

23-Jun-2008 Our lab reopens after being closed for 9 days due to flooding of the Iowa River. Luckily our building was untouched. Official University flood news. See the river forecast. Aerial views of the campus flooding last week.

09-Jun-2008 Our abstract “PPARγ enhanced fatty acid uptake in muscle is mediated by upregulation of CD36” was delivered as an oral presentation at the American Diabetes Association annual scientific meeting in San Francisco.

13-May-2008 We welcome Medical Student Mattie Oelschlaeger to the lab.

02-May-2008 Brandon Menke receives ICRU Scholar Assistant and Summer Research Fellow awards.

22-Jan-2008 We welcome undergraduate Biomedical Engineer Jonathan Karch to the lab.

01-Jan-2008 Our lab is the recipient of a 3-year research grant from the American Diabetes Association entitled “Macronutrient contributions to fetal diabetic programming”.


05-Nov-2007 Brandon Menke receives IREU grant.

28-Aug-2007 This website is now hosted by a very energy efficient server!

23-Jun-2007 Dr. Yao presents his abstract “PPARγ1 Stimulates Uptake and Oxidation of Fatty Acid in Myocytes” at the American Diabetes Association annual scientific meeting.

01-Jun-2007 Summer Students: welcome Dan Hogan and welcome back Alex Howe and Brandon Menke!!

05-May-2007 We presented collaborative work, performed with the Segar and Scholz labs, at the Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting in Toronto.

01-Mar-2007 Publication of a review of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids, including discussion of their action on PPARs. This manuscript is primarily by Art Spector with contributions from us.

27-Feb-2007 PET tracer of unilateral uterine artery infusion!


21-Dec-2006 Our lab is featured in the new talent section of Advances and Emerging Opportunities in Type 1 Diabetes Research: A Strategic Plan, a publication from the NIDDK.

16-Nov-2006 Brandon Menke is reliably differentiating 3T3-L1 adipocytes in response to insulin, glucocorticoids, and phosphodiesterase inhibition.

23-Aug-2006 Alex Howe successfully recombines an XhoI linker into pSV-PPARγ1 using blunt ligation.

15-Apr-2006 We completed a series of euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps, confirming insulin resistance in offspring exposed to gestational diabetes.

22-Mar-2006 Shanming Hu joins the lab.

09-Jan-2006 Our bioinformatics work is published in PNAS.


29-Aug-2005 Start of our lab.